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Process Control

A/S Open

Micon-Powell Process Systems, Inc.

A/S OPEN is a data acquisition and control package that incorporatesthree generations of control hardware and a powerful off-the-shelfoperator SPARC-based workstation. Both SCADA and DCS applications can beimplemented; A/S OPEN is feature rich with low power consumption and verycompetitive pricing. continuous, sequential, logic and batch control issupported; 1 msec resolution on sequence of events monitoring isstandard.Workstation capabilities include pre-configured loops, groups, and over -views as well as full interactive graphics; real-time trending andhistorization of variables; calculated values; alarms and operatoractions.Implementation uses standard OPEN LOOK and UNIX. Communicationscapabilities to DEC and IBM are also included.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Micon-Powell Process Systems, Inc.
8540 Mosley Rd
Houston, TX 77075
Phone: (713) 947-9470
        (800) 643-6632
Fax: (713) 947-4486